#24in48 Hour Readathon–Winter 2017 Edition

Well, I don’t know what it’s like where you are, but here it’s raining. In fact, it’s predicted to rain all weekend.  You know what I call that–reading weather.  (I guess you could say it’s “cloudy with a chance of reading”. Hahahaha…no?…ahem…sorry you had to read that.)

Stillllll… it’s the perfect time to join the latest 24 in 48 Hour Readathon.  Yay!

What is  the 24 in 48 Hour Readathon, you say?  This fun event, hosted by Rachel from 24in28.com, is a 24-hour readathon that extends over 48 hours, allowing you a better opportunity to wedge a bookish retreat into your weekend without turning you into a literary zombie.  (If you’ve taken part in other 24-readathons, you know what I mean.) This latest one runs from January 21st to January 22nd–-from 12:01 Saturday to 11:59 Sunday. Simple, right?

And did I mention you could win bookish prizes?  Well, you might by signing up (for a chance at door prizes), participating in mini challenges, or reading the full 24 hours.  Plus, you get to socialize with fellow readathoners and other book dragons.  And all you have to do is sign up here. Come on…you know you want to.

Not ready to partake of 24 hours literary merriment.  No problem.  Read only as long as you’d like to.

And now for my TBR. Here’s what I’d like to read:

Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake

Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco

Blackhearts by Nicole Castroman

Black Widow: Forever Red by Margaret Stohl

A Crown of Wishes by Roshani Chokshi

March: Book One (March, #1) by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell

Adulthood is a Myth (Sarah’s Scribbles) by Sarah Andersen

This will change throughout the weekend. I may read some webcomics, comics, or graphic novels to keep things interesting. Or audio books to give my eyes a break.

I’ll try my best to keep this post, and my Goodreads bookshelf (24in48-readathon-january-2017), Litsy posts, and tweets updated throughout the weekend, in case you want to follow my progress.

Readathoners can still sign up here throughout the weekend.  If you can’t read along, you can always cheer readers on and tune into the action by following on Facebook and Twitter: @24in48readathon and #24in28.  And on Instagram and Litsy: @24in48.

Happy Reading!


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